
My name is Jason Mundok and I make the Erase the Filter podcast. It’s an audio journal that is inspired by the independent zine culture of the 80s and 90s including interesting music and the unconventional arts. The format is audio collage, mixing features about cool people, places, and events, interviews, found audio, field recordings, and original works.

I also publish the occasional blog post about arts and culture that I find interesting.

Why Erase the Filter?

On April 29, 2017 I was lying on the concrete floor of a very old building in Hudson, NY with over 500 other people experiencing the 24-Hour Drone. It’s an annual 24 hour concert of non-stop sustained tones and experimental music at Basilica Hudson . My mind opened and I realized that for as long as I could remember I had been censoring my art, music and creative output for the sake of others. While there had been many definite moments of creative clarity, I had never reached a consistent state of authenticity in my work. The artists who performed during those 24 hours inspired me to leave my self-inflicted constraints behind and move toward an art life of pure authenticity, to Erase the Filter.

Thank you for visiting and feel free to connect! (jmundok @ gmail.com)

– Jason Mundok