In and Out of Dreams

“The Last Stage of Consumption” is one of the most compelling pieces of ambient music I’ve ever heard. Recently, while listening to The Swiss Illness, the latest album from Lowercase Noises, I drifted off to sleep somewhere near the beginning of that song. It became interwoven into an abstract and surreal dream. The haunting percussive melody echoed around the chamber of my dream and the actual room I was in as I faded in and out of consciousness.

Lowercase Noises play a living room show in Lancaster, PA on Saturday, November 4. This show is not affiliated with The Sixth Floor or Erase the Filter, but you better believe I’ll be there to experience it! You should too. Details can be found here.

Our musical mission at The Sixth Floor is to offer a listening room experience featuring live performances by ambient and experimental musicians, as well as concerts by bands who perform atmospheric, ethereal, and ambient pop music. Our focus is on the performance of the music and art being created in the moment. We support anyone who is working to bring incredible musicians to Lancaster and we hope you will too.